Can I pick your brain?
How do I become a writer?
This is the question I get asked most often. Is being a writer even a real job? Of course! Are all writers rich? Absolutely not! That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t free those stories swirling around your head, begging to be told. But where to start? Even great writers start with a blank page. Don’t be intimidated by that blinking cursor. Click through for a quick list of how to step into your writerly self.
Imperative questions to consider before writing your character’s story
Often problems with story can be traced back to problems with character. Whether you’re still brainstorming or you’re stuck in that muddy middle, having a comprehensive understanding of your character’s WANTS and NEEDS can be the key to unlocking the mystery of your story. Click through for a handy list!
Self-edit these little stinkers right out of your manuscript
Before you send your book off to your beta readers, ARC readers, or your editor, there are a few things you can—and should—do first. Click here for a handy downloadable PDF, and be sure to visit the Resources page to download the PDF with a ton of awesome editing books.
What kind of editor do I need?
It’s so confusing to know the difference between a developmental editor, a copy editor, a line editor, and a proofreader. Click through and banish your confusion, once and for all!
What is metadata?
Quite literally? Metadata is “data that provides information about other data.” Super helpful, I know. But understanding metadata will help you sell more books! Click through for a fuller definition and some resources to get you started on the right data foot!
What are universal links?
When it comes time to sell your book, you want to provide as many options as possible to potential readers. (If you decide to go exclusive with Kindle Unlimited, this article won’t apply to you, unless you have other books that are “wide,” i.e., with multiple retailers). Click through for a quick chat on what a universal link is and why they’re effective.
Do I need an author website?
Welcome to the 21st century, fellow wordsmiths. You absolutely DO need a website, a place on the web that is yours to control and interact with fans. Click through for a chat about the importance of a good website and a few companies I’ve come across that provide decent service for those of us who aren’t web developers.
Glossary of industry terms
Have you ever been around a group of writers throwing out terms that are Greek to you? Here is a handy list of terminology specific to this crazy business so you can join in and talk the talk like a pro.
Do I need an author headshot?
Yup. But don’t fret! Author headshots can be a fun excuse to get all shiny and clean for your moment in the spotlight. Click through for some tips about what goes into a great author headshot as well as questions to ask the photographer before you’re ready for your close-up.